Source code for lavalink.lavalink

import asyncio
from asyncio import BaseEventLoop
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import discord
from discord.ext.commands import Bot

from . import enums, log, node, player
from .utils import Coroutine

__all__ = [

_event_listeners = []
_update_listeners = []
_stats_listeners = []
_loop: Optional[BaseEventLoop] = None

[docs]async def initialize( bot: Bot, ): """ Setup event and update listener .. important:: This function must only be called AFTER the bot has received its "on_ready" event! Parameters ---------- bot : discord.ext.commands.Bot An instance of a discord `Bot` object. """ global _loop _loop = bot.loop register_event_listener(_handle_event) register_update_listener(_handle_update) bot.add_listener(_on_guild_remove, name="on_guild_remove")
[docs]async def add_node( bot: Bot, host: str, password: str, ws_port: int, timeout: int = 30, resume_key: Optional[str] = None, resume_timeout: int = 60, ): """ Create and initialize a new node .. important:: This function must only be called AFTER the initialize function Parameters ---------- bot : discord.ext.commands.Bot An instance of a discord `Bot` object. host : str The hostname or IP address of the Lavalink node. password : str The password of the Lavalink node. ws_port : int The websocket port on the Lavalink Node. timeout : int Amount of time to allow retries to occur, ``None`` is considered forever. resume_key : Optional[str] A resume key used for resuming a session upon re-establishing a WebSocket connection to Lavalink. resume_timeout : int How long the node should wait for a connection while disconnected before clearing all players. """ lavalink_node = node.Node( _loop=_loop, event_handler=dispatch, host=host, password=password, port=ws_port,, num_shards=bot.shard_count or 1, resume_key=resume_key, resume_timeout=resume_timeout, bot=bot, ) await lavalink_node.connect(timeout=timeout) lavalink_node._retries = 0
[docs]async def connect(channel: discord.VoiceChannel, deafen: bool = False): """ Connects to a discord voice channel. This is the publicly exposed way to connect to a discord voice channel. The :py:func:`initialize` function must be called first! Parameters ---------- deafen : bool Prevent the bot from listening others channel : discord.VoiceChannel The channel to move to Returns ------- Player The created Player object. Raises ------ IndexError If there are no available lavalink nodes ready to connect to discord. """ node_ = node.get_node( p = await node_.create_player(channel, deafen=deafen) return p
[docs]def get_player(guild_id: int) -> player.Player: """ Get the player of a guild Parameters ---------- guild_id : int The guild id Returns ------- Player The player of the given guild id """ node_ = node.get_node(guild_id) return node_.get_player(guild_id)
async def _on_guild_remove(guild: discord.Guild): try: p = get_player( except (IndexError, KeyError): pass else: await p.disconnect()
[docs]def register_event_listener(coro: Coroutine): """ Registers a coroutine to receive lavalink event information. This coroutine will accept three arguments: :py:class:`Player`, :py:class:`LavalinkEvents`, and possibly an extra. The value of the extra depends on the value of the second argument. If the second argument is :py:attr:`LavalinkEvents.TRACK_END`, the extra will be a :py:class:`TrackEndReason`. If the second argument is :py:attr:`LavalinkEvents.TRACK_EXCEPTION`, the extra will be a dictionary with ``message``, ``cause``, and ``severity`` keys. If the second argument is :py:attr:`LavalinkEvents.TRACK_STUCK`, the extra will be the threshold milliseconds that the track has been stuck for. If the second argument is :py:attr:`LavalinkEvents.TRACK_START`, the extra will be a track identifier string. If the second argument is any other value, the third argument will not exist. Parameters ---------- coro : :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>` A coroutine function that accepts the arguments listed above. Raises ------ TypeError If ``coro`` is not a coroutine. """ if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError("Function is not a coroutine.") if coro not in _event_listeners: _event_listeners.append(coro)
async def _handle_event(player, data: enums.LavalinkEvents, extra): await player.handle_event(data, extra) def _get_event_args(data: enums.LavalinkEvents, raw_data: dict): guild_id = int(raw_data.get("guildId")) try: node_ = node.get_node(guild_id, ignore_ready_status=True) player = node_.get_player(guild_id) except (IndexError, KeyError): if data != enums.LavalinkEvents.TRACK_END: log.debug( "Got an event for a guild that we have no player for." " This may be because of a forced voice channel" " disconnect." ) return extra = None if data == enums.LavalinkEvents.TRACK_END: extra = enums.TrackEndReason(raw_data.get("reason")) elif data == enums.LavalinkEvents.TRACK_EXCEPTION: exception_data = raw_data.get("exception", {}) extra = { "message": exception_data.get( "message", "Something went wrong when decoding the track." ), "cause": exception_data.get("cause", "Unhandled Exception"), "severity": enums.ExceptionSeverity(exception_data.get("severity", "FATAL")), } elif data == enums.LavalinkEvents.TRACK_STUCK: extra = raw_data.get("thresholdMs") elif data == enums.LavalinkEvents.TRACK_START: extra = raw_data.get("track") elif data == enums.LavalinkEvents.WEBSOCKET_CLOSED: extra = { "code": raw_data.get("code"), "reason": raw_data.get("reason"), "byRemote": raw_data.get("byRemote"), "channelID": if else None, } return player, data, extra
[docs]def unregister_event_listener(coro: Coroutine): """ Unregisters coroutines from being event listeners. Parameters ---------- coro : :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>` """ try: _event_listeners.remove(coro) except ValueError: pass
[docs]def register_update_listener(coro: Coroutine): """ Registers a coroutine to receive lavalink player update information. This coroutine will accept two arguments: an instance of :py:class:`Player` and an instance of :py:class:`PlayerState`. Parameters ---------- coro : :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>` Raises ------ TypeError If ``coro`` is not a coroutine. """ if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError("Function is not a coroutine.") if coro not in _update_listeners: _update_listeners.append(coro)
async def _handle_update(player, data: enums.PlayerState, raw_data: dict): await player.handle_player_update(data) def _get_update_args(data: enums.PlayerState, raw_data: dict): guild_id = int(raw_data.get("guildId")) try: player = get_player(guild_id) except (KeyError, IndexError): log.debug( "Got a player update for a guild that we have no player for." " This may be because of a forced voice channel disconnect." ) return return player, data, raw_data
[docs]def unregister_update_listener(coro: Coroutine): """ Unregisters coroutines from being player update listeners. Parameters ---------- coro : :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>` """ try: _update_listeners.remove(coro) except ValueError: pass
[docs]def register_stats_listener(coro: Coroutine): """ Registers a coroutine to receive lavalink server stats information. This coroutine will accept a single argument which will be an instance of :py:class:`Stats`. Parameters ---------- coro : :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>` Raises ------ TypeError If ``coro`` is not a coroutine. """ if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(coro): raise TypeError("Function is not a coroutine.") if coro not in _stats_listeners: _stats_listeners.append(coro)
[docs]def unregister_stats_listener(coro: Coroutine): """ Unregisters coroutines from being server stats listeners. Parameters ---------- coro : :ref:`coroutine <coroutine>` """ try: _stats_listeners.remove(coro) except ValueError: pass
def dispatch(op: enums.LavalinkIncomingOp, data, raw_data: dict): listeners = [] args = [] if op == enums.LavalinkIncomingOp.EVENT: listeners = _event_listeners args = _get_event_args(data, raw_data) elif op == enums.LavalinkIncomingOp.PLAYER_UPDATE: listeners = _update_listeners args = _get_update_args(data, raw_data) elif op == enums.LavalinkIncomingOp.STATS: listeners = _stats_listeners args = [data] if args is None: # For example, no player because channel got removed. return for coro in listeners: _loop.create_task(coro(*args))
[docs]async def close(bot: Bot): """ Closes the lavalink connection completely. Parameters ---------- bot: discord.ext.commands.Bot """ unregister_event_listener(_handle_event) unregister_update_listener(_handle_update) bot.remove_listener(_on_guild_remove, name="on_guild_remove") await node.disconnect()
# Helper methods
[docs]def all_players() -> Tuple[player.Player]: """Get all the players""" nodes = node._nodes ret = tuple(p for n in nodes for p in n.players) return ret
[docs]def all_connected_players() -> Tuple[player.Player]: """Get all the connected players""" nodes = node._nodes ret = tuple(p for n in nodes for p in n.players if p.connected) return ret
[docs]def active_players() -> Tuple[player.Player]: """Get all the active players""" ps = all_connected_players() return tuple(p for p in ps if p.is_playing)