Source code for lavalink.node

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import secrets
import string
import typing
from collections import deque
from typing import KeysView, Optional, ValuesView, Union, Any

import aiohttp
from discord.backoff import ExponentialBackoff
from discord.ext.commands import Bot

from . import log, ws_ll_log, ws_rll_log
from .enums import LavalinkEvents, LavalinkIncomingOp, LavalinkOutgoingOp, NodeState, PlayerState, FiltersOp
from .player import Player
from .rest_api import Track
from .tuples import *
from .utils import VoiceChannel

__all__ = ["Node", "NodeStats", "get_node", "get_nodes_stats", "Stats"]

_nodes: list[Node] = []

# Originally Added in:
class _Key:
    def __init__(self, key_len: int = 32):
        self.length: int = key_len
        self.persistent: str = ""

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Generate a new key, return it and make it persistent"""
        alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_~!"
        key = "".join(secrets.choice(alphabet) for _ in range(self.length))
        self.persistent = key
        return key

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Return the persistent key."""
        # Ensure output is not a non-string
        # Since input could be Any object.
        if not self.persistent:
            return self.__repr__()
        return str(self.persistent)

[docs]class Stats: """ The NodeStats class contains the performance stats of a certain node Attributes ---------- uptime : int players : int active_players : int memory : MemoryInfo cpu_info : CPUInfo """ uptime: int players: int active_players: int memory: MemoryInfo cpu_info: CPUInfo def __init__(self, memory: dict[str, int], players: int, active_players: int, cpu: dict[str, Union[str, float]], uptime: int ): self.memory = MemoryInfo(**memory) self.players = players self.active_players = active_players self.cpu_info = CPUInfo(**cpu) self.uptime = uptime def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "<Stats: " f"uptime={self.uptime}, " f"players={self.players}, " f"active_players={self.active_players}, " f"memory={self.memory}, " f"cpu_info={self.cpu_info}" )
# Node stats related class below and how it is called is originally from: # #
[docs]class NodeStats: """ The NodeStats class contains the performance stats of a certain node Attributes ---------- uptime : int players : int playing_players : int memory_free : int memory_used : int memory_allocated : int memory_reservable : int cpu_cores : int system_load : float lavalink_load : float frames_sent : int frames_nulled : int frames_deficit : int """ uptime: int players: int playing_players: int memory_free: int memory_used: int memory_allocated: int memory_reservable: int cpu_cores: int system_load: float lavalink_load: float frames_sent: int frames_nulled: int frames_deficit: int def __init__(self, data: dict[str, Any]): """ Initialize the object Parameters ---------- data: dict """ self.uptime: int = data["uptime"] self.players: int = data["players"] self.playing_players: int = data["playingPlayers"] memory: dict[str, int] = data["memory"] self.memory_free: int = memory["free"] self.memory_used: int = memory["used"] self.memory_allocated: int = memory["allocated"] self.memory_reservable: int = memory["reservable"] cpu: dict[str, Union[int, float]] = data["cpu"] self.cpu_cores: int = cpu["cores"] self.system_load: float = cpu["systemLoad"] self.lavalink_load: float = cpu["lavalinkLoad"] frame_stats: Optional[dict[str, int]] = data.get("frameStats", {}) self.frames_sent: int = frame_stats.get("sent", -1) self.frames_nulled: int = frame_stats.get("nulled", -1) self.frames_deficit: int = frame_stats.get("deficit", -1) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "<NodeStats: " f"uptime={self.uptime}, " f"players={self.players}, " f"playing_players={self.playing_players}, " f"memory_free={self.memory_free}, memory_used={self.memory_used}, " f"cpu_cores={self.cpu_cores}, system_load={self.system_load}, " f"lavalink_load={self.lavalink_load}>" )
[docs]class Node: _is_shutdown: bool = False def __init__( self, _loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop, event_handler: typing.Callable, host: str, password: str, port: int, user_id: int, num_shards: int, resume_key: Optional[str] = None, resume_timeout: int = 60, bot: Optional[Bot] = None, ): """ Represents a Lavalink node. Parameters ---------- _loop : asyncio.BaseEventLoop The event loop of the bot. event_handler Function to dispatch events to. host : str Lavalink player host. password : str Password for the Lavalink player. port : int Port of the Lavalink player event websocket. user_id : int User ID of the bot. num_shards : int Number of shards to which the bot is currently connected. resume_key : Optional[str] A resume key used for resuming a session upon re-establishing a WebSocket connection to Lavalink. resume_timeout : int How long the node should wait for a connection while disconnected before clearing all players. bot: discord.ext.commands.Bot The Bot object that's connect to discord. """ self.loop = _loop = bot self.event_handler = event_handler = host self.port = port self.password = password self._resume_key = resume_key if self._resume_key is None: self._resume_key = self._gen_key() self._resume_timeout = resume_timeout self._resuming_configured = False self.num_shards = num_shards self.user_id = user_id self._ready_event = asyncio.Event() self._ws = None self._listener_task = None self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession() self._queue = deque() self._players_dict = {} self.state = NodeState.CONNECTING self._state_handlers = deque() self._retries = 0 self.stats = None if self not in _nodes: _nodes.append(self) self._closers = ( aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSE, aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSING, aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSED, ) self.register_state_handler(self.node_state_handler) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( "<Node: " f"state={}, " f"host={}, " f"port={self.port}, " f"password={'*' * len(self.password)}, resume_key={self._resume_key}, " f"shards={self.num_shards}, user={self.user_id}, stats={self.stats}>" ) @property def headers(self) -> dict: return self._get_connect_headers() @property def players(self) -> ValuesView[Player]: return self._players_dict.values() @property def guild_ids(self) -> KeysView[int]: return self._players_dict.keys() def _gen_key(self): if self._resume_key is None: return _Key() else: # if this is a class then it will generate a persistent key # We should not check the instance since # we would still make 1 extra call to check, which is useless. self._resume_key.__repr__() return self._resume_key
[docs] async def connect(self, timeout: int = None, ssl: bool = False): """ Connects to the Lavalink player event websocket. Parameters ---------- ssl: bool Whether to use the `wss://` protocol. timeout : int Time after which to timeout on attempting to connect to the Lavalink websocket, ``None`` is considered never, but the underlying code may stop trying past a certain point. Raises ------ asyncio.TimeoutError If the websocket failed to connect after the given time. """ self._is_shutdown = False if ssl: uri = f"wss://{}:{self.port}" else: uri = f"ws://{}:{self.port}""Lavalink WS connecting to %s with headers %s", uri, self.headers) await asyncio.wait_for(self._multi_try_connect(uri), timeout) ws_ll_log.debug("Creating Lavalink WS listener.") if self._listener_task is not None: self._listener_task.cancel() self._listener_task = self.loop.create_task(self.listener()) self.loop.create_task(self._configure_resume()) if self._queue: for data in self._queue: await self.send(data) self._queue.clear() self._ready_event.set() self.update_state(NodeState.READY)"Lavalink WS connected to %s", uri)
async def _configure_resume(self): if self._resuming_configured: return if self._resume_key and self._resume_timeout and self._resume_timeout > 0: await self.send( dict( op="configureResuming", key=str(self._resume_key), timeout=self._resume_timeout, ) ) self._resuming_configured = True ws_ll_log.debug("Server Resuming has been configured.") async def wait_until_ready(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None): await asyncio.wait_for(self._ready_event.wait(), timeout=timeout) def _get_connect_headers(self) -> dict: headers = { "Authorization": self.password, "User-Id": str(self.user_id), "Num-Shards": str(self.num_shards), "Client-Name": "Useless-Lavalink" } if self._resume_key: headers["Resume-Key"] = str(self._resume_key) return headers @property def lavalink_major_version(self) -> str: """ Get the major version of the lavalink node """ if not self.ready: raise RuntimeError("Node not ready!") return self._ws.response_headers.get("Lavalink-Major-Version") @property def ready(self) -> bool: """ Whether the underlying node is ready for requests. """ return self.state == NodeState.READY async def _multi_try_connect(self, uri): backoff = ExponentialBackoff() attempt = 1 if self._ws is not None: await self._ws.close(code=4006, message=b"Reconnecting") while self._is_shutdown is False and (self._ws is None or self._ws.closed): self._retries += 1 try: ws = await self.session.ws_connect(url=uri, headers=self.headers, heartbeat=60) except (OSError, aiohttp.ClientConnectionError): delay = backoff.delay() ws_ll_log.error("Failed connect attempt %s, retrying in %s", attempt, delay) await asyncio.sleep(delay) attempt += 1 if attempt > 5: raise asyncio.TimeoutError except aiohttp.WSServerHandshakeError: ws_ll_log.error("Failed connect WSServerHandshakeError") raise asyncio.TimeoutError else: self.session_resumed = ws._response.headers.get("Session-Resumed", False) if self._ws is not None and self.session_resumed:"WEBSOCKET Resumed Session with key: %s", self._resume_key) self._ws = ws break
[docs] async def listener(self): """ Listener task for receiving ops from Lavalink. """ while self._is_shutdown is False: msg = await self._ws.receive() if msg.type in self._closers: if self._resuming_configured: if self.state != NodeState.RECONNECTING:"[NODE] | NODE Resuming: %s", msg.extra) self.update_state(NodeState.RECONNECTING) self.loop.create_task(self._reconnect()) return else:"[NODE] | Listener closing: %s", msg.extra) break elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT: data = msg.json() try: op = LavalinkIncomingOp(data.get("op")) except ValueError:"[NODE] | Received unknown op: %s", data) else: ws_ll_log.debug("[NODE] | Received known op: %s", data) self.loop.create_task(self._handle_op(op, data)) elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR: exc = self._ws.exception()"[NODE] | Exception in WebSocket!", exc_info=exc) break else: "[NODE] | WebSocket connection received unexpected message: %s:%s", msg.type,, ) if self.state != NodeState.RECONNECTING: ws_ll_log.warning( "[NODE] | %s - WS %s SHUTDOWN %s.", self, not self._ws.closed, self._is_shutdown ) self.update_state(NodeState.RECONNECTING) self.loop.create_task(self._reconnect())
async def _handle_op(self, op: LavalinkIncomingOp, data: dict[str, Any]): if op == LavalinkIncomingOp.EVENT: try: event = LavalinkEvents(data.get("type")) except ValueError:"Unknown event type: %s", data) else: self.event_handler(op, event, data) elif op == LavalinkIncomingOp.PLAYER_UPDATE: state = data.get("state", {}) state = PositionTime(position=state.get("position", 0), time=state.get("time", 0), connected=state.get("connected", False)) self.event_handler(op, state, data) elif op == LavalinkIncomingOp.STATS: stats = Stats( memory=data.get("memory"), players=data.get("players"), active_players=data.get("playingPlayers"), cpu=data.get("cpu"), uptime=data.get("uptime"), ) self.stats = NodeStats(data) self.event_handler(op, stats, data) else:"Unknown op type: %r", data) async def _reconnect(self): self._ready_event.clear() if self._is_shutdown is True:"[NODE] | Shutting down Lavalink WS.") return if self.state != NodeState.CONNECTING: self.update_state(NodeState.RECONNECTING) if self.state != NodeState.RECONNECTING: return backoff = ExponentialBackoff(base=1) attempt = 1 while self.state == NodeState.RECONNECTING: attempt += 1 try: await self.connect() except asyncio.TimeoutError: delay = backoff.delay()"[NODE] | Failed to reconnect to the Lavalink server.") "[NODE] | Lavalink WS reconnect connect attempt %s, retrying in %s", attempt, delay, ) else:"[NODE] | Reconnect successful.") self.dispatch_reconnect() self._retries = 0 def dispatch_reconnect(self): for guild_id in self.guild_ids: self.event_handler( LavalinkIncomingOp.EVENT, LavalinkEvents.WEBSOCKET_CLOSED, { "guildId": guild_id, "code": 42069, "reason": "Lavalink WS reconnected", "byRemote": True, "retries": self._retries, }, ) def update_state(self, next_state: NodeState): if next_state == self.state: return ws_ll_log.debug("Changing node state: %s -> %s",, old_state = self.state self.state = next_state if self.loop.is_closed(): ws_ll_log.debug("Event loop closed, not notifying state handlers.") return for handler in self._state_handlers: self.loop.create_task(handler(next_state, old_state)) def register_state_handler(self, func): if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): raise ValueError("Argument must be a coroutine object.") if func not in self._state_handlers: self._state_handlers.append(func) def unregister_state_handler(self, func): self._state_handlers.remove(func)
[docs] async def create_player(self, channel: VoiceChannel, deafen: bool = False) -> Player: """ Connects to a discord voice channel. This function is safe to repeatedly call as it will return an existing player if there is one. Parameters ---------- deafen channel Returns ------- Player The created Player object. """ if self._already_in_guild(channel): p = self.get_player( await p.move_to(channel, deafen=deafen) else: p = await channel.connect(cls=Player) if deafen: await p.guild.change_voice_state(, self_deaf=True) self._players_dict[] = p await self.refresh_player_state(p) return p
def _already_in_guild(self, channel: VoiceChannel) -> bool: return in self._players_dict
[docs] def get_player(self, guild_id: int) -> Player: """ Gets a Player object from a guild ID. Parameters ---------- guild_id : int Discord guild ID. Returns ------- Player Raises ------ KeyError If that guild does not have a Player, e.g. is not connected to any voice channel. """ if guild_id in self._players_dict: return self._players_dict[guild_id] raise KeyError("No such player for that guild.")
async def node_state_handler(self, next_state: NodeState, old_state: NodeState): ws_rll_log.debug("Received node state update: %s -> %s",, if next_state == NodeState.READY: await self.update_player_states(PlayerState.READY) elif next_state == NodeState.DISCONNECTING: await self.update_player_states(PlayerState.DISCONNECTING) elif next_state in (NodeState.CONNECTING, NodeState.RECONNECTING): await self.update_player_states(PlayerState.NODE_BUSY) async def update_player_states(self, state: PlayerState): for p in self.players: await p.update_state(state) async def refresh_player_state(self, player: Player): if self.ready: await player.update_state(PlayerState.READY) elif self.state == NodeState.DISCONNECTING: await player.update_state(PlayerState.DISCONNECTING) else: await player.update_state(PlayerState.NODE_BUSY)
[docs] def add_player(self, guild_id: int, player: Player): """Register a player""" self._players_dict[guild_id] = player
[docs] def remove_player(self, player: Player): """Remove a player""" if player.state != PlayerState.DISCONNECTING: log.error( "Attempting to remove a player (%r) from player list with state: %s", player,, ) return guild_id = if guild_id in self._players_dict: del self._players_dict[guild_id]
[docs] async def disconnect(self): """ Shuts down and disconnects the websocket. """ self._is_shutdown = True self._ready_event.clear() self.update_state(NodeState.DISCONNECTING) if self._resuming_configured: await self.send(dict(op="configureResuming", key=None)) self._resuming_configured = False for p in tuple(self.players): await p.disconnect(force=True) log.debug("Disconnected all players.") if self._ws is not None and not self._ws.closed: await self._ws.close() if self._listener_task is not None and not self.loop.is_closed(): self._listener_task.cancel() await self.session.close() self._state_handlers = [] _nodes.remove(self)"Shutdown Lavalink WS.")
async def send(self, data): if self._ws is None or self._ws.closed: self._queue.append(data) else: ws_ll_log.debug("Sending data to Lavalink: %s", data) await self._ws.send_json(data) async def send_lavalink_voice_update(self, guild_id, session_id, event): await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.VOICE_UPDATE.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), "sessionId": session_id, "event": event, } )
[docs] async def destroy_guild(self, guild_id: int): """ Disconnect from a guild and delete the player Parameters ---------- guild_id : int """ await self.send({"op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.DESTROY.value, "guildId": str(guild_id)})
async def no_event_stop(self, guild_id: int): await self.send({"op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.STOP.value, "guildId": str(guild_id)}) # Player commands
[docs] async def stop(self, guild_id: int): """ Stop the player on the given guild id Parameters ---------- guild_id : int """ await self.no_event_stop(guild_id=guild_id) self.event_handler( LavalinkIncomingOp.EVENT, LavalinkEvents.QUEUE_END, {"guildId": str(guild_id)} )
async def no_stop_play( self, guild_id: int, track: Track, replace: bool = True, start: int = 0, pause: bool = False, ): await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.PLAY.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), "track": track.track_identifier, "noReplace": not replace, "startTime": str(start), "pause": pause, } )
[docs] async def play( self, guild_id: int, track: Track, replace: bool = True, start: int = 0, pause: bool = False, ): """ Start playing on the given guild id Parameters ---------- guild_id : int track : Track The track to play replace : bool If set to true, stop the current song and play the given one start : int The number of milliseconds to offset the track by pause : bool Pause the current track """ # await self.send({"op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.STOP.value, "guildId": str(guild_id)}) await self.no_stop_play( guild_id=guild_id, track=track, replace=replace, start=start, pause=pause )
[docs] async def pause(self, guild_id: int, paused: bool): """ Pause the current track Parameters ---------- guild_id : int paused : bool If set to True pause the track, otherwise unpause it """ await self.send( {"op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.PAUSE.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), "pause": paused} )
[docs] async def volume(self, guild_id: int, _volume: int): """ Set the volume of the track Parameters ---------- guild_id : int _volume : int Volume may range from 0 to 1000 """ await self.send( {"op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.VOLUME.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), "volume": _volume} )
[docs] async def seek(self, guild_id: int, position: int): """ Seek the current track Parameters ---------- guild_id : int position : int The position is in milliseconds. """ await self.send( {"op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.SEEK.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), "position": position} )
[docs] async def equalizer(self, guild_id: int, bands: list[EqualizerBands]): """ Set the equalizer Parameters ---------- guild_id : int bands : list[EqualizerBands] A list of bands to change """ await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.FILTERS.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), FiltersOp.EQUALIZER.value: [{"band":, "gain": band.gain} for band in bands] } )
[docs] async def karaoke(self, guild_id: int, level: float = 1.0, mono_level: float = 1.0, filter_band: float = 220.0, filter_width: float = 100.0): """ Uses equalization to eliminate part of a band, usually targeting vocals. Parameters ---------- guild_id : int level : float how much to filter mono_level : float how much to filter filter_band : float the frequency band to filter filter_width : float the frequency width to filter """ await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.FILTERS.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), FiltersOp.KARAOKE.value: { "level": level, "monoLevel": mono_level, "filterBand": filter_band, "filterWidth": filter_width } } )
[docs] async def time_scale(self, guild_id: int, speed: float = 1.0, pitch: float = 1.0, rate: float = 1.0): """ Changes the speed, pitch, and rate. All default to 1. Parameters ---------- guild_id : int speed : float Should be >= 0 pitch : float Should be >= 0 rate : float Should be >= 0 """ await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.FILTERS.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), FiltersOp.TIMESCALE.value: { "speed": speed, "pitch": pitch, "rate": rate, } } )
[docs] async def tremolo(self, guild_id: int, frequency: float = 2.0, depth: float = 0.5): """ Uses amplification to create a shuddering effect, where the volume quickly oscillates. Parameters ---------- guild_id : int frequency : float Should be >= 0 depth : float 0 < x ≤ 1 """ if not (0 < depth <= 1): raise ValueError("Depth must be 0 < x ≤ 1") if frequency <= 0: raise ValueError("Frequency must be greater than 0") await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.FILTERS.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), FiltersOp.TREMOLO.value: { "frequency": frequency, "depth": depth, } } )
[docs] async def vibrato(self, guild_id: int, frequency: float = 2.0, depth: float = 0.5): """ Similar to tremolo. While tremolo oscillates the volume, vibrato oscillates the pitch. Parameters ---------- guild_id : int frequency : float 0 < x ≤ 14 depth : float 0 < x ≤ 1 """ if not (0 < depth <= 1): raise ValueError("Depth must be 0 < x ≤ 1") if not (0 < frequency <= 14): raise ValueError("Frequency must be 0 < x ≤ 14") await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.FILTERS.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), FiltersOp.VIBRATO.value: { "frequency": frequency, "depth": depth, } } )
[docs] async def rotation(self, guild_id: int, rotation: int = 0): """ Rotates the sound around the stereo channels/user headphones aka Audio Panning. It can produce an effect similar to: (without the reverb) Parameters ---------- guild_id : int rotation : Optional[int] The frequency of the audio rotating around the listener in Hz """ await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.FILTERS.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), FiltersOp.ROTATION.value: { "rotation": rotation, } } )
[docs] async def distortion(self, guild_id: int, sin_offset: int = 0, sin_scale: int = 1, cos_offset: int = 0, cos_scale: int = 1, tan_offset: int = 0, tan_scale: int = 1, offset: int = 0, scale: int = 1): """ Distortion effect Parameters ---------- guild_id : int sin_offset : int sin_scale : int cos_offset : float cos_scale : float tan_offset : float tan_scale : float offset : float scale : float """ await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.FILTERS.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), FiltersOp.DISTORTION.value: { "sinOffset": sin_offset, "sinScale": sin_scale, "cosOffset": cos_offset, "cosScale": cos_scale, "tanOffset": tan_offset, "tanScale": tan_scale, "offset": offset, "scale": scale } } )
[docs] async def channel_mix(self, guild_id: int, left_to_left: float = 1.0, left_to_right: float = 0.0, right_to_left: float = 0.0, right_to_right: float = 1.0): """ Mixes both channels (left and right), with a configurable factor on how much each channel affects the other. With the defaults, both channels are kept independent from each other. Setting all factors to 0.5 means both channels get the same audio. Parameters ---------- guild_id : int left_to_left : float left_to_right : float right_to_left : float right_to_right : float """ await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.FILTERS.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), FiltersOp.CHANNEL_MIX.value: { "leftToLeft": left_to_left, "leftToRight": left_to_right, "rightToLeft": right_to_left, "rightToRight": right_to_right, } } )
[docs] async def low_pass(self, guild_id: int, smoothing: float = 0.0): """ Higher frequencies get suppressed, while lower frequencies pass through this filter, thus the name low pass. Parameters ---------- guild_id : int smoothing : float how much to suppress """ await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.FILTERS.value, "guildId": str(guild_id), FiltersOp.LOW_PASS.value: { "smoothing": smoothing, } } )
[docs] async def reset_filter(self, guild_id: int): """ Remove any applied filter Parameters ---------- guild_id : int """ await self.send( { "op": LavalinkOutgoingOp.FILTERS.value, "guildId": str(guild_id) } )
def get_node(guild_id: int = None, ignore_ready_status: bool = False) -> Node: """ Gets a node based on a guild ID, useful for noding separation. If the guild ID does not already have a node association, the least used node is returned. Skips over nodes that are not yet ready. Parameters ---------- guild_id : int ignore_ready_status : bool Returns ------- Node """ guild_count = 1e10 least_used = None for node in _nodes: guild_ids = node.guild_ids if ignore_ready_status is False and not node.ready: continue elif len(guild_ids) < guild_count: guild_count = len(guild_ids) least_used = node if guild_id in guild_ids: return node if least_used is None: raise IndexError("No nodes found.") return least_used def get_nodes_stats() -> list[NodeStats]: """ Get the stats of all Nodes Returns ------- list[NodeStats] """ return [node.stats for node in _nodes] async def disconnect(): """Disconnect all nodes""" for node in _nodes.copy(): await node.disconnect()